>But, how many portable MP3 players are in the market today or were available
>half an year ago? Nevertheless iPod was launched and we saw Steve saying
>that iPod was a really revolucionary product.
>One can say that a MP3 Player that doubles as a portable FireWire HD and has
>a smooth integration with iTunes is really impressive, but there are others
>MP3 Players on the market that can handle more music than iPod and costing
>much less.
Is it innovative? That you can reasonably measure as fact, based on what
else is
available in the category. Is it revolutionary? That's just marketing
spin, designed to
dazzle the larger market of people who don't obsessively follow the computer
>Even with this "competitive market", Apple launched it's MP3 Player, and is
>supporting the evolution of the product.
The MP3 player market isn't as mature and crowded with well-established
as the Handheld market is. Apple took the opportunity to go one better with a
simple and inexpensive device that fits in with the general direction that the
company seems to be going in positioning it's consumer computer business,
managing digital content. There was a good opportunity there, and I think
the early
results (from the quarterly earnings report) show that it paid off.
>The point is that if Apple decides to launch a handheld device it has all
>technological background & market knowledge to make it a winner.
Of that, I have no doubt. (And I'd be the first in line to buy one,
believe me.) But it's
all a question of timing, and I just don't see a space for them in the
handheld market
at the moment. (And complaints about "stupidity" or "shortsightedness" or
Jobs eats worms" aren't going to change that.)
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