Re: [NTLK] Swedish on a US UMP2k

From: Andreas Lindkvist (
Date: Sun Feb 03 2002 - 18:22:41 EST


I just wanted to say that my newton 2000 (upgr)
work just fine with swedish...
and the swedish characters: =E5 =E4 =F6

there is a setting in pref / locale
for "sweden"

i dont know if every newton have that... i guess so : )
I also got a swedish newton keyboard : )
really happy about that one

on my emate there is a english keyboard and a bit messy to remember
where the keys are all the time
but the emate "thinks" it work in swedish mode : )

if you have any questions i might be able to help you : )

cheers & Lycka till med din SvenskaKurs ; )

andreas (that can write =E5=E4=F6 on his newton) : )

>Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 14:59:47 +0100
>From: Claes Ljungquist <>
>Frank wrote
>>Hi gang,
> >as if I hadn't enough to do as it is, my wife talked me into registering=
>>a Swedish course.
>>Of course I want to show off my MP by taking all notes on it, but as I
>>don't know a single word of Swedish, I wonder if this is possible with
>>a US UMP2k.
>I think you can chose the Swedish keyboard among the Newton
>preferences "locale"
>>Does it provide all characters I'd need (assuming this
>>language has some special characters as most other languages do)?
>There are 3 special characters an A with a ring above and one Awith
>two dots above it and an O with two dots above.
>>If it doesn't, is there something I could do about it? Is there
>>maybe even a (freeware) dictionary?
>>Thanks, as always


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