Sune wrote:
> As for the memory footprint mentioned by Jim Anderson. How do I see=20
> how much memory it consumes? So far I've tried to verify it using=20
> "DashBoards" Heap-memory icon. However, my free heap memory goes up=20
> with 1 k, when I switch from Extras to NiftyDrop as the BackDrop app.
First of all, let me qualify all of this with the cop-out
^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H explanation of what I mean by "large chunk of heap".
Since most Newts (pre-2100) have around 100K or less heap, I consider
anything that consumes more than 20% of it could be considered to
consume a large amount of heap. That would be about 20K. Especially in a
backdrop, 20K would be consuming a large amount of heap.
Now, here are some lies - I mean statistics, that I've grabbed
about backdrops and heap. All of these stats were taken from my ump2000
(which is loaded up with a bunch of packages, mostly frozen). I tested
Avis Backdrop, Niftydrop, Extras, Notes and NewtMirror (which is just a
single view which does nothing). In every case, I froze the other
packages that I was checking (i.e.: when I checked Avis, I froze all the
Niftydrop packages and NewtMirror). Also, I frequently use all the
features provided by Avis Backdrop. Because of this, I installed all the
Niftydrop modules I would need to duplicate this (Agenda, Banner,
Battery, Calendar, Clock, Heapstatus, Scratchpad and Volume). In real
life, I could probably dump the Banner, Battery, Clock, Heapstatus and
Volume modules and be just as happy, so I also tested this
configuration. Also, I tested Avis Backdrop without a background image.
All heap stats were collected with the Dashboard heap usage meter.
Anyway, here are the stats:
Backdrop Free Heap
NewtMirror 340K
Avis Backdrop 334K
NiftyDrop (all) 324K
NiftyDrop (Agenda, Cal, Scratchpad) 330K
Extras 326K
Notes 327K
This was kind of interesting. I remember trying out Niftydrop a
while ago (with all the modules), and being displeased about the heap
usage. However, when I only used the Calendar, Agenda and Scratchpad, it
only uses 4K more heap than Avis Backdrop. And it displays my To Do
list, which Avis doesn't do.
Anyway, so there it is.
Jim Anderson
Evil Overlord Rule 197:
I will explain to my Legions of Terror that guns are ranged weapons and
swords are not. Anyone who attempts to throw a sword at the hero or club
him with a gun will be summarily executed.
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