[NTLK] more E-Bay 2100's

From: Andrew Diller (dillera_at_sudanacid.com)
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 19:41:48 EST

Mr2Hand has _2_ 10 piece dutch auctions going, each currently at $149.

Here is the one that ends tomorrow:


He's got a 2nd one that ends the next day.

Thats 20 2100's out there for $150. I got mine, and he's very quick

-andy diller

--On Monday, February 04, 2002 5:56 PM -0500 Fred Buecker
<tfbiii_at_nbscomputers.net> wrote:

> Just a heads up for anyone interested - there are about 10 2100's on
> eBay right now, looks like they were just posted. They are running at
> $199 (seems like the $150 days are over) Not connected with the seller

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