Re: [NTLK] [OT] WaveLAN Silver PC Card Deal

From: Donald J. Ryan (
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 08:23:08 EST

> Would make a really cheap solution, with the Lucent WaveLan and Airport
> cards at OWC this cheap ($ 50) it seems a sweet deal.

Well, I'll let you know by the end of this week. I ordered one of those
cards for $50. I figured I didn't have much to loose for that price. I've
also got a PowerBook G4 with and airport card installed. Because of the
titanium case, the airport range is about 1/2 of what it should be. The
WaveLan card has a built-in external antenna so the range should be fine.
This way I could use it in both the PowerBoot G4 and the MP.

Donald Ryan

> From: Robert Benschop <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 08:09:47 +0100
> To: NewtonTalk <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] [OT] WaveLAN Silver PC Card Deal
> Now I think this one is probably off topic, but since I've read so far that
> people can connect to an Airport equipped Mac, both computer to computer end
> through the computer onto the web this got me thinking.
> So I searches the web and as far as I can read on
> and
> it looks like you don't need an base station at all, just two Airport
> equipped computers and one of the machines acting as a base station using
> the AirPort Software Base Station.
> Anybody on the list with experience with this ?
> Would make a really cheap solution, with the Lucent WaveLan and Airport
> cards at OWC this cheap ($ 50) it seems a sweet deal.
> Robert Benschop
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