Re: [NTLK] Can you say infringement?

From: Mitchell Vice (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 15:14:37 EST

Ed, you rule!

But why didn't they just change the "N" to an "A?" What the hell is
"N" supposed to mean for them?! "Nowledge?!"


>Somehow I don't believe this. I have never known Apple
>to "Give" anything away!
>The logo doesn't die just because the product does, as
>long as the owner maintains due diligence, then it
>remains valid!
>As for them saying that they have changed the
>logo...uh, NOT! Check out what I put together:
>web/gadget guru
> (download Newton packages)
> (my NPDS server)

So long, sweet Mitch

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