at the temporal coordinates: 2/8/02 12:43 AM, the entity known as Victor
Rehorst at conveyed the following:
> On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Grant [Preconfigured] Hutchinson wrote:
>> My apologies as well. I didn't mean to sound annoyed at you in
>> particular. However, I am extremely curious as to why certain email
>> clients do that sort of unwanted "translation" for us. It must be a
>> Microsoft security feature.
> In case anyone cares, yes, my initial hunch was correct. Because of my
> list settings to eat all MIME information and attachments, the MIME info
> around those messages are stripped. However, either MS Exchange doesn't
> include in the MIME info that the body is base64 encoded, or Listar just
> doesn't know to look for a special encoding of the body - in any case, the
> body doesn't get decoded to normal text, that's what happened. Apparently
> eCartis 1.0 will include a brand-spanking new MIME library that will
> handle all this well.
Of course, just why M$ decided to introduce the "feature" (read bug, in my
book) of base64 encoding the BODY of the message (which presumably is text,
so I don't think there's anything to be gained) is totally beyond
Not that there's any effective way of reporting this bug.
- Eric.
--Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^
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