On Saturday, February 9, 2002, at 08:54 AM, Chris Searles wrote:
>> We do more for the whole world than the world does for us.
> And what do the Saudis and their (relatively) cheap oil do for the
> American economy?
First of all, the saudis need us more than we need them. Who would they
sell to if not to us. Secondly, we could get our oil (all of it) from
Russia if we helped them with extraction and from Nigeria and from
others if we chose. So the saudis and the monopolistic opec are in the
catbird sit they think they are.
>> I cannot say this plainly enough and I do not enjoy using profanity but
>> to all those who want to carp and complain about the US:
> There's a difference between carping and complaining and maintaining a
> critical attitude. If everyone in the US thought like you, GIs would
> still be getting their derrieres whipped in Vietnam.
As a student of warfare and strategy we were not getting our 'derrieres
whipped' as you say. Without going to far it not a stretch to say we won
every battle we were involved in including the war and achieving the
overall goal which was stanching the spread of communism, witness the
fall of the Berlin wall etc.
Your statement shows clear ignorance of the facts. You should read a
little more and not get your info from MTV
> What I meant to say
> is that there is a difference between "protection" (as you call it) and
> outright interference
Ask those Iranian students who waved American flags and cheered for
America at the soccer game after 9/11 if they would like us to
'interfere' in the affairs or not of Iran and the oppressive regime.
> , and as far as the Arab countries are concerned,
> American foreign policy borders on the latter since it lacks the
> far-sightedness necessary to deal sensibly with a region that, well
> frankly, doesn't think very sensibly. (One of the biggest blunders in US
> foreign policy over the last ten years was to station US troops in Saudi
> Arabia
Hello, they asked us to come in to defend their sorry asses from Iraq,
do you live on Earth? They could not defend themselves so we needed to
do it for them. Fundamentally all arabs are cowards.
> . Bin Laden never gets tired of saying that that's what changed him
> from an anticommunist Afghan freedom fighter into an anti-American
> terrorist. And there's a whole lot of other Arabs out there who think
> the
> same way.)
>> go and F***K yourself
> Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such language on the list. What kind of manners did your
> parents teach you?
What did your parents teach you? Certainly not to think.
> Chris Searles
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