Re: [NTLK] Death to Americans !!! was Re: [OFF-Topic] Small World

From: Chris Searles (
Date: Sat Feb 09 2002 - 09:59:21 EST

>Again, you show your staggering ignorance of current events. We are
>choosing to do just what I said.
>ExxonMobil and a consortium of US oil companies are investing 15 billion
>dollars in partnership with Russian oil companies and the Russian
>government to modernize the Russian oil industry and to, now pay
>attention: take OPEC out of the picture entirely. Within the next
>decade, if not sooner, OPEC will cease to matter. As a matter of fact,
>the EU commission and Mr. Monti are looking into whether or not OPEC is
>an illegal monopoly, which of course it is.

Then maybe you should have taken the time to phrase yourself differently
to begin with instead of putting everyone down in such a callous manner.
(That remark about the French was way out of line on an international
list like this, I'm afraid.)

I rest my case.

Chris Searles

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