> A common misconception among people who consider
> themselves to be Politically/Spiritually Correct is that
> they have achieved some enlightened state of being that
> places them above others. This happens usually by
> association and not by any real thought. They want to be
> associated with what is just, good, compassionate, etc.,
> not unlike those who jumped on the bandwagon for many a
> lynching.
> When you talk about 'trolls' you might as well be saying
> 'chink', 'nigger', 'gook', 'redskin', (what are some
> other good ones, folks?), and it serves to dehumanize the
> actual person you're talking about. It's a common device
> used in war propoganda. Hating bigots is cool, but
> hating 'white trash' or 'pakis' is not. Mr. Hilter(his
> running mate was a Mr. Hilmer, was it not? Correct me if
> need be), who ran for an office in England after WWII,
> had similar views about a wonderful world, all neat and
> orderly, populated by only Good Germans who all looked
> and thought alike.
This has gone on long enough.
This thread began with a link to a Web site which asked
Americans to consider our incredible wealth in light of the
amount of poverty which can be found elsewhere in the
world... What a perversion has occurred!
Good-dog, the "trolls" you are defending have been spewing
racial slurs and nationalist propaganda. The thread has
degenerated into this: a post claiming a moral equivalence
between lynchings and those who speak out against
lynchings, between Hitler and those who fought against
Nazism. Apparently I've been wrong all this time... I
shouldn't speak out against white supremacists because to
do so is to be just as intolerant as they are!
Sorry. I grew up in a multicultural family -- an asian kid
in a white world. I've dealt with insular American
nationalism the ultra-right-wing all my life... When I was
younger I was beaten up every day in school because of what
"my" chink people did to "good" Americans in Vietnam.
Here's my "new-age, whiney, goody-two shoes" view: Hitler
was evil. Lynchings were evil. Nationalism is evil. Arabs
are people. Frenchmen are people. Europe does not exist
"only" because America "allows" it to exist. Americans are
rich. Many people are poor. If a child starves to death in
the 3rd world, it is not that child's fault. In fact, many
such deaths may be do to the economic imperialism of the
western nations over the last few centuries.
I didn't join this mailing list to participate in an
ultra-right-wing lovefest.
> If you leave the list, most people will probably not miss
> you. This is not an insult, but just the nature of
> things. Taking your newton and going home is your choice.
> People here will continue to play.
Eric Engle isn't the only one leaving. I'm outta here.
Templar, Rich Lindsay, Good-dog et al., enjoy your "play"
all you want. It's not my idea of fun.
P.S. Thanks to all who have provided help to me on this
list over the last few months. It was appreciated.
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