Re: [NTLK] No Sound on 2100 - Help Needed.

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Sun Feb 10 2002 - 12:12:04 EST

on 10/02/02 08:49, Paul Jones at wrote:

> Looking for some help with my 2100. A few days ago, it stopped making
> any sound at all. No sound on statup or anything. I backed up and did a
> 'brain wipe' but no joy. I guess it is a hardware fault. Any ideas on
> how I can fix it?
> I have a 2000 which I could take the speaker from if that is the
> problem. I have not opened either of my Newtons yet so would appreciate
> any help. Please email me if you think you can help.

I did replace the speaker on my 2100 once and I can tell you it's not an
easy task. Doable, but give you time and make sure you're fully rested, have
a clean work surface with no distraction. Then, it can be done.

I agree that if you did a "hard reset" and still no sound, it must be the
speaker. Do you remember if your 2100 got hit or something? My sound went
muffled after I dropped it from about 3 feet high on a ceramic floor. I
replaced the speaker, but had to have it serviced by Apple...


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

finger-pointing syndrome n.: All-too-frequent result of bugs, esp. in new or experimental configurations. The hardware vendor points a finger at the software. The software vendor points a finger at the hardware. All the poor users get is the finger.

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