somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 2/9/02 11:58 PM, the entity known
as Sushi transmitted the following from
> Some have suggested censorship. To me, while I vehemently disagree with
> many things Templar and others have said, no one should be censored.
> That is the price of freedom.
> Please remember, no one is forcing you to read these messages. It is
> very easy to delete messages without reading them if you so desire. Just
> like changing the radio/TV station.
> To censor someone, goes against what I and others (many of which have
> given their lives) around the world have served our countries to
> preserve. And that is freedom. If you are so weak that a few comments,
> well maybe more than a few, from some folks you don't like or disagree
> with their viewpoints cause you to want to eliminate their views -- can
> you say narrow minded -- then I pitty you.
As I stated in another post, I'm of two minds on this issue. Like you,
worry about the issue of censorship. But, well, let me just ask everyone...
Does your locality have a noise ordinance?? In my neighborhood, I've got
the freedom to play music in my backyard or car, but if I crank it up too
loud, I infringe on my neighbors' freedoms and society inflicts a certain
level of punishment for that.
So, perhaps what we need is a cyber-noise ordinance? ;-)
- Eric.
--Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^
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