Re: [NTLK] [OT] Boot Him - ATT: templar

From: aaron tester (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 02:52:40 EST

i have a suggestion here.

i think templar was quite out of line (and he wasn't alone) with some of
those posts - very personal insults about intelligence / country etc. i
have been on the list for 4-5 months and that was the nastiest thread i
have seen in that time. it all seemed to happen very fast and a lot of the
responses were 'kneejerk' - fueled by anger and not considered at all.

perhaps we should view that as an isolated event - templar did generally
apologise for his outburts and if he really did believe some of those
things he said i don't think he'd be apologising - he'd be standing by what
he said. so for that reason i don't think templar should be booted. if he
has another outburst then perhaps he should be, but that's in the future.

so my suggestion is this:

templar, perhaps you should consider switching to digest mode for a while -
if nothing else it would give you cooling off time between posts - and
would be a gesture of good intention to the list. i have said things i
later regret when i'm angry and i just know i'm not alone. if you're on a
mac you could use digest viewer - it's a great little app which makes
reading the list much faster.

available here (and free):

what do you think?

aaron tester

>Templar had his Supernova of Speech. It's over. He has the right of
>free speech. He doesn't have the right to force us to listen in order
>to get our Daily Newton Dose. Boot him.

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