speedy2 (speedy2_at_dag.net) wrote:
> I'm curious if anyone else sees strange characters in messages sent to the
> mailing list? For instance, Woo Lee's messages have a lot of "=" (not
> picking on him, I get plenty of weird characters from other people's
> posts).
That's just the way MIME encodes characters outside the 7-bit ASCII
range. As long as I don't use such characters, my mail software will post
the message as an ASCII mail, but if I do, it will use MIME encoding.
That's usually fine, as almost every mail client out there knows how to
handle MIME encoding, but our list server doesn't -- it strips the
information about the encoding in the header but keeps the MIME codes in
the mail itself, so the recipients mail client doesn't realize the mail
is MIME encoded and doesn't decode it.
- Michael
Michael J. Hussmann
E-mail: michael_at_michael-hussmann.de
WWW: http://michael-hussmann.de
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