Re: [NTLK] flooded email box

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 08:16:49 EST

on 11/02/02 05:46, Andre Baron at wrote:

> Thankfuly not, Im ashamed to admit I still use my pc to read newton talk,
> and not my newt, but there are just to many darn messages!

Oh, you're not alone, Andre. I mostly use my PowerBook to read my email,
including NewtonTalk. With the number of messages, you have to be very
patient, even with an accelerated 2000 and you'll most likely won't download
some messages based on the subject that you first download. I don't want to
miss anything (even OT threads), so I prefer having all of them on my


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

"Heuristics are bug ridden by definition. If they didn't have bugs, then they'd be algorithms."

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