> From a local OSX forum:
> 'One of the most stunning things turned out to be that my parents, who are
> pretty computer illiterate, got used to OSX much faster than OS 9'
> Maybe it's a better interface that just feels weird to Mac users ?
This is exactly what I would expect. Having removed a lot of the useful
things from OS 9 and generally pared down what you see, it's slightly less
confusing for the absolute beginner.
However, the interface doesn't scale. The dock is tolerable when it has a
dozen items in it, hopeless when it has 100. Most other features of the UI
have the same problems - one device trying to do too many things not very
well - OK in simple situations, obstructive when pushed harder.
The simple things are also easier when you are prepared to go through the
rigmarole of navigating the file system intially but it gets progressivley
harder and more obstructive as your knowledge and demands increase.
The whole UI is brittle like this.
My Mother finds the Newton more to her liking than any desktop and has
dumped her iMac. The same interface allows me to do all the nerdy things I
want too - looks like a better solution.
The bottom line is that they are all still too hard to use.
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