Re: [NTLK] [OT] More Food for thought...

From: Stephen Jendraszak (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2002 - 00:40:15 EST

Once again, Sushi, you have encapsulated my opinion far more elegantly
than I could have myself.


On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 12:22 AM, Sushi wrote:

>> On 2/11/02 @ 12:35, Eric L. Strobel wrote:
>> Does your locality have a noise ordinance?? In my
>> neighborhood, I've got the freedom to play music in
>> my backyard or car, but if I crank it up too loud, I
>> infringe on my neighbors' freedoms and society inflicts
>> a certain level of punishment for that.
>> So, perhaps what we need is a cyber-noise ordinance? ;-)
> <<<<This is a long one, you've been warned...>>>>>
> You make a good point Eric.
> But you have to be very careful with censorship.
> For example, using your case, what if neighbor A plays music that you
> like, but plays it a bit loud vice neighbor B who plays music that you
> detest, and also plays it loud.
> Do you call the police or whomever in both cases? I would hope so. But
> human nature is to strike out against those whom one does not agree
> with.
> On this list for example, I made a mistake with my "Food for Thought"
> message. I forgot the [OT] marking. Oops, I screwed up. Should I be
> banned from the list? I already dropped and gave the list 20 and one
> for
> the Airborne god in the sky. So I hope that I've made amends!
> Or how about Stephanie and her dissection of Furbie dissection? I feel
> so sorry for those poor defenseless Furbies against a crazed woman
> with a
> screwdriver or worse! Or how about Woo and his way too large collection
> of Newts?! It's not fair -- No one should have that many! Or how about
> those monotonous Emate discussions! Hey, I only want to hear about Newt
> 2100's! Then again, there are those folks who post in French.
> Unbelievable! (BTW, for those who don't understand me, these examples
> are pure off the wall attempt at humor used to illustrate my point.
> Personally I enjoy hearing about Furbie dissections, the newest thing
> that Woo does with his Newts, and about the Emate. And as for French, I
> find it fun to see how much I can remember since the last time that I
> studied it was a very long time ago. But that's just me. Maybe others
> don't.)
> The point is that we are a community made up of folks that for some
> reason enjoy the Newt family of devices. Our community is comprised of
> individuals with varied backgrounds from around the world. What a rich,
> diverse and wonderful group.
> As part of our diverse community, we even have some who like to get the
> last word in. You know, the ones who rant and rave about a
> poster/topic,
> then say that they are finished with the list.
> Or how about those who implore others to stop replying to adverse
> messages, but add a dig of their own with their reply -- but expect no
> response?
> Yeah, sometimes we have individuals that can be a pain in the as_, but
> then again, what family/community doesn't.
> Are we all always going to agree with each other's opinions? Nope.
> Heck, even husband and wives/best friends have times when they upset
> each
> other, or get on each other's nerves.
> Do those who care about each other let emotions get the best of them at
> times. Yep. And that's when the name calling starts. We've just seen
> it here, unfortunately.
> Some have been so bold as to state they don't care what anybody else on
> this list thinks...but yet they reply...interesting to say the least.
> But we've seen some good with the bad. Killfiles and filtering have
> become known to some.
> Even Robert choose to not read all the offending posts -- great
> news! :-)
> Others have found the delete key as well, and now know how to use it
> with
> zest! :-)
> I am not sure that a charter/manifesto is needed for this board. This
> board has tended to police itself fairly well. Let's not clutter it up
> with all kinds of rules. Rather, let's all be adult in our exchanges.
> Then 6 months to a year down the road, if there is a need for a
> charter/manifesto, then we do it at that time. Victor can unsubscribe
> us
> all, then we can resubscribe with the requirement to abide by the new
> rules -- or whatever method is needed to ensure that we all concur with
> the rules of the board before we can become a member and post.
> With out OT messages, we might miss interesting discussions such as the
> recent one concerning "Looking for cheap ISP" introduced by Laurent. Or
> we might miss discussions about Mac OS X, rootbeer/beer, Furbies, math
> qualifications, Olympics, 911, different desktop OS'es, NUG meetings,
> visiting friends in other countries, vacation plans, trips to Akihabara,
> etc. introduced by others.
> I for one, would hate to have a list that is so regulated that all of
> the
> discussion was limited to the Newt alone. Besides, the OT topics reveal
> a bit of the person to the board. They become more than just a screen
> name.
> BTW, FWIW on other boards that I've been on, banning a person does not
> get rid of them. They merely resubscribe under a different screen name.
> Granted we are a bit smaller than the average board, but this might be
> an
> additional pain for Victor to monitor and police.
> Let's keep the list as it is for a while, say 6 months, and see what
> happens...meanwhile everyone take a deep breath and count to 10, 100, go
> work out, or bite your lip as the case may be, before replying to a post
> that disagree with, upsets you or happens to push your hot button.
> With all this food for thought, I'm getting hungry! :-)
> Respectfully,
> Sushi
> --
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