Hmm. I recall a s/w fix that allowed you to keep the locale, but enabled
dial tones -- but I think it was illegal to use in Oz.
Strange - I just set my locale to Australia, then also used TimeZones to set
to Sydney and then to Auckland, and dial tones worked fine...
My memory's gone - perhaps there was a syspatch for Newtons sold in these
countries that disabled the dial tones?
Paul F.
> -----Original Message-----
> On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, Filmer, Paul E. wrote:
> > Other sound issues come from the Australian (and NZ?) locale and local
> laws
> > regarding use of tones by non-telco-owned devices. These can be
> overcome,
> > but I'm not current on how that was done.
> For the Newton, just change the Country settings in Prefs. :)
> Victor
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