Meeting time at Apple Store Clarendon: 1300H February 23
Apple Store is OK as long as we "stay out of the way" -- the store manager
seemed a bit cool to our plan. Hmph.
I plan to bring along my show-and-tell:
- Schlumberger "Dr. Watson" Newton
- Russified MP130
- eMate
- MP2100 packing 64Mb
- EZShow card
- a mystery door prize
I'm sure others will be searching for a leaky Airport network, distributing
WABA applets, and perhaps even serving NPDS.
Spread the word! Go forth and Newtify!
Paul F.
PS: those of you caught discussing 9-11, Olympics, American foreign policy,
censorship, or proper Latin plurals will be promptly irradiated with IR and
sent to the manager's office.
> -----Original Message-----
> > NUGWash will meet on Saturday, February 23, at the Apple Store in
> > Va.
> >
> > Directions:
> >
> > Other notices will be posted on My Newton Server:
> >
> > Bring all your Newton goodies - there will be a door prize to be won by
> the
> > person voted most deserving (a la Survivor).
> >
> > Paul F.
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