Re: [NTLK] Help with erasing 32MB Card

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Wed Feb 13 2002 - 02:54:19 EST

on 12-02-2002 11:46, Laurent Daudelin at

>> This brings me to the question - how does one erase or reformat the card
>> without having to wait until after the card's insertion? is there a
>> certain way to reset the newt ith the card inserted and then be prompted
>> to erase the contents of the card?
> Not sure if it's a FAQ, but here it goes: if you open the Prefs, then insert
> your card, the Newton will ask if you really want to format your card
> *WITHOUT* mounting it.

Or another option would be to restart with your stylus about an 1/2 inch
from the left on your screen, and when your Newt asks if you want to
activate the packages on your card you choose 'No'.

Robert Benschop

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