At 7:48 AM +0100 2/13/02, Robert Benschop wrote:
>Are there others that were there from the very beginning ?
I was, it was the 2nd mailing list I had joined. The original
announcement was made on the old Mac EvangeList. From what I
remember, people joined by the hundreds the first few days. I still
have the welcome message in my archives, here's a small quote:
"This list is designed to allow positive discussion about all things
Newton. This includes topics such as hardware platforms, software,
accessories, add-ons, programming, the state of Apple and Newton, Inc.,
as well as any other possible topics of interest to the Newton community.
If a thread starts to get too far off the beaten track then I am sure
the list members will suggest that the thread be taken off line."
- Lou Forlini
Software Engineer
System Support Products, Inc.
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