Re: [NTLK] Rumors Newton OS 3

Date: Wed Feb 13 2002 - 14:14:21 EST

Benjamin wrote:
> Actually, that reminds me of something, if apple wants to put iTunes and
> maybe iphoto or quicktime on a handheld computer, why would they use
> newton. They'll just work on another set of UI and put it on top of
> darwin. That way it'll have binary compatibility with MacOS X, then they
> don't need to keep maintaining to different sets of Code.
> Then again what they need to do in order to not keep 2 different sets of
> code is to port Cocoa (Yellow box) to newton OS.

I don't know anything about coding or making something like the Newton
work, so pardon what may be a dumb question. If the above scenario were
to take place, would hwr work on this device, would other stuff we're
used to work?


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