Re: [NTLK] Mp3 playback from card...

From: Rui Curveira (
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 01:38:01 EST

I am sure you have seen this but JIC

Mark Rollins wrote:

> Subject: [NTLK] Mp3 playback from card...
> From: Joe Anthenat <>
> --snip--
> >Viking ATA card, playback stutters quite badly. However, when the song
> Helpful hint, encode MP3 as
> mono
> 68k/sec or less, (even the 40k/sec sounds really good on some selections)
> filter signals below 10HZ
> No stuttering, no dropouts, still sounds AMAZINGLY good.
> I have to add on a more personal level (no blushing folks) but it
> absolutely amazes me the inventiveness of the human spirit.
> Okay - MP3's done, how's about an MPG or QuickTime player!
> Mark Rollins
> --
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