Someone posted Google's new Google Palm Search. Nice, except for two
bad things. (1) you can't force it to show more than 5 entries per
screen, (2) it has little icons rather than text for "cache" and
Anyway, I've written a Sherlock/Hemlock .src file. Type the following
into your Notepad, then choose "Add to Hemlock Engines". Or save as a
.src file and stick in the appropriate Sherlock location [everything
between but not including the dashed lines]
# Google Palm Search .src File
# By Sean Luke
name="Google Palm Search"
method=GET />
<input name="q" user />
<input name="hl" value="en" />
resultItemStart="<p>" />
I'm not positive what the result will be for Hemlock yet -- I'm missing
an ethernet cable and can't test it. :-( Perhaps a kind soul could
report on how well it works. BTW, there are lots of other switches you
can turn on (change the language from English, search only in a specific
domain, etc.)
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