On 2/17/02 9:52 AM, "Robert Benschop" <rbenschop_at_mac.com> wrote:
> on 17-02-2002 2:19, John Skinner at john_at_johnskinner.net wrote:
>> I can help you out Robert, but first tell me what is the card configured for
>> at the other end (PowerBook I think you said).
>> Like, does it have internet access through it's Ethernet port?
> My setup is a Cube with an internal Airport card and with an ADSL Ethernet
> modem that connects through TunnelBuilder.
> Since the modem needs the TCP/IP control panel to be set to LANTunnelbuilder
> I don't have a clue how to get thus to work, though it might be that one
> needs an Airport Base Station for this, which I don't have.
> Robert Benschop
Well, you could use some routing software to make it work for you.
I use VICOM Internet Gateway but are others. Like IPNetRouter for one.
The software takes the IP address that your ISP gives you, then it assigns
an IP address for your Mac, and an IP address for your AirPort card.
Then it routes traffic from your AirPort network to your ADSL connection as
well as routing your traffic from your Mac to the ADSL connection.
If you would like any more info, or have questions, I'll try to answer all
of them the best that I can.
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