Re: [NTLK] is my flash memory card corrupted?

From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 10:39:25 EST

If you hold the pen down on the lower left end of the Newt screen until you
get the message that the Newt will start without extensions,
you will ot have the problem you describe.
Now you can open the dialogue to erase the card.
Another method is to insert the card when the preferences panel from
settings is open.
You will get a dialogue asking you if you really want to delete the complete
And last but not least: I found that such a card is recognised by a WinDose
Laptop with PCMCIA slot as well.
You can format it in the Laptop.
Of course you need to reformat it for the Newt, but the data on it will
already be erased.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 4:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] is my flash memory card corrupted?
> Hi,
> New member with another question. The 24 meg memory card that
> came with
> the newton: I was downloading a bunch of programs. One in
> particular I put
> on the card: ten thumbs. When I put it into the newton, it said
> the program
> had expired. Now all the newton does when I put in the card is
> continue to
> look for a program that is not all there and I can't get to the
> screen that
> will enable me to erase and reformat that card.
> What can I do to reformat the card when the newton automatically
> tries to
> access what is on the card and won't let me get to the "erase"
> screen. The
> only way to get out of it is to eject the card or reset and eject
> the card.
> Last question: where is an inexpensive place to buy a new card
> online? Or is
> there a place that can just reformat it for me?
> mark
> --
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