Re: [NTLK] NCU and Windows 2000

From: speedy2 (
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 10:53:06 EST


On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, [ISO-8859-1] Andr=E9 Baron wrote:

> This will bring up the registry editor, where your going to put in the
> information to set it up to do 56K serial connections. Navigate this
> path: H_KEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Apple->Newton Connection
> Utilities->Communication. On the right hand side you'll see, among
> other things, a listing of serial ports, find the port that you are
> using to connect and double click on it, and change the number where it
> says 38400 to 57600. There you have now set it up to do 56K connections
> to the newton.

For the curious, there is a Newton package that allows 115200 (and one
that does 230400). However changing that registry value from 57600 (which
worked with my Newton) to 115200 caused NCU to exit as soon as it was

HEX editing and modifing the executable directly did not yield good
results either...


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