On 22/02/02 09:56, "G=E9rard Evrard" <gerard.evrard_at_free.fr> wrote:
> Hello happy greeny Newtonians,
> I'm having problems unsuscribing to this list - the form doesn't seem to
> take into account my multiples queries.
> Don't be fooled, this list is of utmost interest to me (I'm really
> impressed with the activity taking place here !), but as I leave on
> vacations for one week RSN (Real Soon Now), my mailbox would run the
> risk to be overflooded. I'd lose other messages impossible do get back
> (while there is an archive for this list).
> Pleace Mr "List Dad", could you remove me ?
> I'll subscribe back when I'm online again.
To stay subscribed but to disable list reception, send an email *FROM YOUR
SUBSCRIBED EMAIL ADDRESS* to the recipient "listar_at_newtontalk.net". Set the
subject to "set newtontalk vacation". Nothing else, nothing more. Send the
message and wait for the confirmation.
When you're back, send again a message to "listar_at_newtontalk.net" again,
from the email address you did subscribe initially, with the subject set to
"unset newtontalk vacation". Wait for the confirmation message.
Enjoy! And have a safe "vacation"...
Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
mailto:Laurent_Daudelin_at_fanniemae.com Washington, DC, USA
********************** Usual disclaimers apply **********************
evil and rude adj.: Both evil and rude, but with the additional connotation
that the rudeness was due to malice rather than incompetence. Thus, for
example: Microsoft's Windows NT is evil because it's a competent
implementation of a bad design; it's rude because it's gratuitously
incompatible with Unix in places where compatibility would have been as eas=
and effective to do; but it's evil and rude because the incompatibilities
are apparently there not to fix design bugs in Unix but rather to lock
hapless customers and developers into the Microsoft way. Hackish evil and
rude is close to the mainstream sense of `evil'.=20
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