Re: [NTLK] Need recommendations for Newton calculator

From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd (
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 20:20:36 EST

>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:57:28 -0800
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Need recommendations for Newton calculator
>From: Larrie Easterly <>
>If you are using a 2x00 then you can park the calculator icon in the button
>bar. Then you have easy access to it. ButtonBar Plus is a handy utility to
>manage your apps and get them into the bar.

This is a good solution. Other ideas:

* Use GestureLaunch or Dashboard and create launch scripts for Calculator
and Notes.

* There's an app called Minimizer (I think -- from Bernie? Anyway do a
Google) that costs about $5 that let's you minimize most any app into the
"Star" menu. Then you should be able to send the calculator up there and
get it back when you need it.

* SBM Tasklist gives you a popup of all open apps. When you tap one it
comes to the foreground. Keep Calculator and Notepad open and use Tasklist
to switch between them.

* BackOnTop will let you toggle between your backdrop app and second app.
If Notes is your backdrop, this would work.

Good luck,


P.S. Digest View does indeed rock! Anybody with a Mac or Basilisk should
try it. It makes following digest threads and replying to messages so much
cleaner! I just replied to Larrie's list message from the digest and it
automagically copied the relevant text and inserted the correct TO address
and an appropriate subject. I love this program!!

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