Re: [NTLK] mac docs on a newton

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Sat Feb 23 2002 - 02:39:31 EST

on 23-02-2002 4:28, at wrote:

> asked this question about a week or so ago and nobody replied. How does
> one upload docs from an imac to a newton and what is the largest size a doc
> can be on a newton?

Well Mark, maybe you should read answers to your posts....

on 20-02-2002 3:29, Laurent Daudelin at wrote:

> You mean, reading it on the Newton, right? Well, save your document as text
> and import it in the notepad. If you have a Newton running the NOS 2.1, and
> have NewtonWorks installed, save the document as a RTF file and import it
> into Works with NCU.

on 20-02-2002 4:18, Thomas Hart at wrote:

> Save them as RTF and transfer them with the import NewtonWorks (for
> larger docs) document function in NCU, or import to NotePad (for smaller
> ones).

We would be interested if this all didn't help you though.

Robert Benschop

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