Re: [NTLK] NewTen (Mac OS X package installer)

From: Steven Frank (
Date: Sat Feb 23 2002 - 13:48:30 EST

> Will this application work with the built in ethernet capabilities
> within
> the Newton OS and MacOS X?
> Or just through the KeySpan USB Serial adapter? Maybe a silly question,
> but
> if I do not ask, I do not get an answer :-)

It requires a KeySpan USB Serial adapter of some kind. Actually, it
could easily be modified to work with any serial connection that shows
up as a device in /dev. It's just UnixNPI with a pretty face.

As for ethernet, I don't have an ethernet card for my Newton yet, so I
can't go too far with that.

In answer to Robert's question, yes, it's just a package installer at
the moment, not a backup / restore app. But I'd like to know more
details about the backup / restore process... Can anyone point me to
technical info on the protocol used? Not promising anything at this
point, though. ;)

Has anyone tried NewTen? Did it work? Seems to work for me fairly


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