Re: [NTLK] Question... What do you use your newton for?

From: Stephanie Maks (
Date: Sun Feb 24 2002 - 09:43:49 EST

At the moment, my MP2100 is handling every aspect of:
    - Where am I supposed to be?
    - When?
    - What am I supposed to do there?
    - Why?
    - How much will it cost?

I just bought my first house. At work I have never been busier. This week
I am moving. My brain is in overload, and I can't remember anything. So
now I'm only remembering one thing. Look at Newton.

First thing in the morning, I look at Newton and see what's doing today.
Last thing before I go to bed, I look at Newton, and plan my tomorrow. All
day long I'm looking at Newton and deleting each meeting / appointment as
they are completed. I'm using Overlord! so much it's almost become my
backdrop -- I added a Refresh button to it, so it can keep up with changes
made in Dates.

In conjunction with Overlord!, I'm using Dates almost as much. Names, also
lot. Notepad is there, between checklists within checklists for the
purchase and move, and taking all my notes on it during meetings at work,
it's seeing heavy action.

I've always used Dates, Names, Notepad and Works a fair bit. Over the last
two months, my Newton has become my Other Brain. The one that works!
Without it, maybe there'd be no electricity or heat at my new house, or I'd
miss some vital meeting at work.


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