Josh, I don't know what kind of Newton you have.
If you have a 2000 or above and you have access to an ethernet card, you
can use a cable modem service, if you have one available. I live just
north of Indianapolis (outside of Fishers, IN) and have used
(until it went bankrupt) and now Insight.
If you don't have (or want) cable access, I can recommend a nice, local
(Mooresville, IN) ISP: Surf Internet Connect, Inc., (or Surf ICI). Their
local Indy number is 834-7873. Tom Travis is the owner, and his main
technician is Mike Riggsby. They have Mac support, which is unusual. If
you call them, just tell them that Patrick from St. Luke recommended
them to you.
I have used both of these methods of getting on the 'net with my u2000.
For the ethernet card, I have an Etherlink III (3Com) 3C589C which I got
at the local Computer Renaissance in Castleton. For modem connections I
use a Hayes Optima 336.
Let me know if I can be of further help.
Age doesn't always bring wisdom. Sometimes age comes alone.
A Message from Patrick Jendraszak
On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 01:38 AM, Josh Shanks wrote:
> Ok since I am a newbie to the newton scene I have all of these annoying
> questions I ask. Today I would like to know what pcmia modem I need for
> my
> newton to connect to the net and what ISP should I use? I live near
> Indianapolis,Indiana if this helps you guys at all.
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