After I read this email, I decided to try it myself.
A previous attempt to find a networked printer that my
Newton can talk to failed...but I didn't have the
Appletalk box checked.
This email inspired me. I set the card to Appletalk
and tried to print a notepad entry. I didn't hold out
much hope, because the closest Mac I was aware of is
about 1/2 mile away at the other end of the building
(yes, I work in a really big building over 2/3 of a
mile long)
Lo-and behold! My Newton found a printer. I sent a
note to it and it printed. The printer is right next
to me in the very next cube! An HP color 4500N
Every day my Newton never fails to impress me in some
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server)
--- Frank Gruendel <> wrote:
> Mac via Ethernet at home. Not really believing it
> would work, I ripped the
> Ethernet plug from my iMac and plugged it in the
> Newton's card. Opened
> the note, selected "Print", and -bang- Newtie had
> about 50 printers at its
> disposal. Including my colleague's A0 inkjet proofer
> (which would have
> been a bit overkill...).
> The only problem was finding one that was nearby.
> Although I am a
> satisfied Palm user: I'd never even dream of trying
> this with a Palm.
> This machine will never cease to amaze me. Thanks
> again, Ken!
> Frank
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