[NTLK] New MP2100 User

From: Andrew Patrikalakis (anrp_at_irulethe.net)
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 12:51:00 EST

Hello all!

I was lucky enough to get a Newton 2100 that actually works from GEMEnterprises. My Newton had only minor case wear and a flawless screen with a bright backlight. My battery also had no problems charging (I just plugged it in and charged it, and it works great). I feel sorry for the people who GEMEnterprises sent broken Newtons.

On another note:
I tried to use SimpleMail, and it doesn't work with my friend's server. I'll talk to my friend and we can go through the logs. It gives the error "-ERR Bad Login". I don't think this is the case because I'm sure I entered the username and password correctly. (Also, LunaSuite works with the same settings I gave SimpleMail, so I know I do have the permission to get my mail.)

Also, if anybody would know the name of a game that I used to have (for the Newton): You had to tap on boxes and get them to disappear. There had to be two boxes with the same pattern touching each other.

Andrew Patrikalakis

Sent from a Newton - Long live the Green!

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