Re: [NTLK] Newton and encodings.

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 02:15:48 EST

>I have been using NewtonPress to do most of my books. Moving slowly away
>from latin based languages (or "simple" latin based languugages) I was
>wondering what kinds of encodings are available for the newton?

Technically NewtonOS stores data in Unicode.

>I would really like to be able to write (or tap on an on screen
>keyboard) in greek, and several other languages.

This is another problem.
You need:
- a font displaying the characters in Unicode. I haven't found any
correct Greek characters font, although there is a screen shot of one
used in NewtWorks in an Apple's doc on Unicode.
- an input method for non-roman characters. There are some for
Chinese, Japanese, Russian, but I don't know any for greek (and I'm
interested as well).

There is a keyboard and fonts for several eastern language, I think.
Cf the FAQ for the links.

Also, I don't think that Newton Press can successfully handle
something different from MacRoman, but I'd love to be proved wrong.


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