The initial reasons for contacting Tactile were personal. However, after
listening to some Listmembers' stories of similar attempted contacts, I
later approached Tactile representing the NewtonTalk Community. After much
persistence, it was apparent to me that they needed assistance. I was
prepared to offer my assistance, but was pleasantly surprised when Rob
offered me a partnership opportunity. Of course I had to talk it over with
my spouse, which was not a problem since she considers this whole Newton
thing a personal victory (she's from a long line of Mac-o-philes, I lean
toward PC's).... So, to answer your questions, it looks like I'm in it for
the long haul.
I'm trying to obtain the old registrant database from Rob, and for the
interim am maintaining a temporary. I've listened to the list for a while
and understand some of the past issues. Newton registration codes are often
based on owner names, Newton serial numbers, combinations of the two, or
other unique and usually static data. It's important that you preserve
(backup) this information in hard copy, as well as electronic format - and
equally important to watch your syntax, don't swap ROM, and avoid taking
your spouse's surname. If you are a previous registrant and you are sure
your name/Newt/etc. is registered with Tactile, we will try to accomodate
your needs, but please give me some time to acquire the database before I
can reissue your codes. If you can't wait, take advantage of the reduced
pricing, and of course the benefits to NewtonTalk. It's the best I can do
for the moment.
As some of you already know, Rob was, and still is, one of the greatest
supporters of the Newton platform. I do have some ideas on continuing to
resurrect Tactile, but this will require much more time - recreational
time - which both of us have very little of. The duration of this effort
will largely depend on the lifespan of the Newton, the response of the
community, and maybe throw the probability of iWalk into the equation also.
Thanks for your questions and your interest. Ultimately, I hope that the
services I am providing will benefit the Newton community, that was my
intent from the begining. I kind of expected that I would be walking into a
delicate situation, but feel that the Tactile product-line is worth
preserving. Rob and I feel that resurrecting Tactile is more of a proactive
measure in keeping the Newton platform alive than leaving abandonware or
dumping it to the public.
Anthony Velasco, USFWS-Ecologist/ecotoxicologist
"just another birds and bunnies kinda guy...
next time look up and wave to me
in that black helicopter in the sky."
This Newt's trekking through cactusland and lov'n it!
Managing Sales and Licensing for Newton Software at: - Tactile Systems, Inc.
Contact me via the above E-mail for more information
--------------Original Message-------------------
Verily, on 2/26/02, Anthony Velasco quoth:
>I have made some progress in negotiations with the Tactile software
>Rob has offered me the opportunity to manage sales and licensing of
>Tactile's Newton software.
A few clarification points: Are you taking over this permanently, or
for a brief period of time? And will these codes be as fragile as the
old ones (i.e. not survive a hard reset)?
-- ben. Message------------------- This sounds very promising but what about new unlock codes for people that had to trash their system soup? regards, Eric Byrne
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