As for theh serial port, a good starting place might be to look at
ThinkingHome (, an X10 program for the Mac. They get
around the lack of a certain signal line by using an adapter cable (pinout
on the website) and twiddling a different line. It leaves the question,
though, of whether the Newton OS will allow low-level access to the hardware
Hmm... now there's an interesting project for PCBman... integrate the
Firecracker hardware into a SER-001. :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Victor Rehorst
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 8:08 PM
> To: NewtonTalk
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton X10 controller?
> Firecracker is documented, I got one lying around here somewhere. I think
> the feasibility of Newton support was being discussed because the
> firecracker protocol works by twiddling one of the lines on the serial
> port on and off (yes, just one line), and no one was really sure if 1) the
> Newton's RS422/Appletalk could do this and 2) if the low-level support to
> do this was in the OS.
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