Re: [NTLK] Harry Potter books

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 17:52:52 EST

> That should be fine. It really isn't any different than if you bought a
> and burned another copy just for backup. As long as you own a copy it's
> Chances are, the 1st book is lighter than your newton would be, but I
> haven't weighed. All the books are really good for anyone. Enjoy.
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  Thank you for the advice, I will certainly take it in (I am curous what
the feelings from the Peanut Gallery is before I decide my course of
action). It is not so much the weight of the book that troubles me nor
buying a copy, but just having one more item to carry around! And, since I
am already going to have my Newton with me it would be great to have the
book on it! Thus if I am allowed to buy a copy and then be legally free to
put an electronic copy on my Newton I would like to.

  Thanks again!




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