Re: [NTLK] Off topic messages (short)

From: Mark Ross (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 21:43:46 EST

>This is a great list, and is invaluable for active Newton users. Thanks to
>contributors for making it such a useful resource.
>I think we've all learned to expect and tolerate a certain volume of
>off-topic list mail. No problem.
>But somewhere around the 35th "me too" message for the $180 Newtons, it
>occurred to me that the original message should have solicited replies --
>and had them sent -- off-list. Simple points of etiquette like that aren't
>too much to ask... are they?
>Jesse Garnier

Actually, the sender of that message DID request an off list response.
The notice of $150 Newton 2100's created such a stir that the second
email to put it off list did not reach everyone before they responded to
the first post. Not a big problem, but one that can't be avoided.

Mark Ross

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