I saw the footage, saw the pictures, folks, it looks like a FC to me.
There's a USB port, a hot-sync port, a power port and an audio port!
It has a color screen. The software has, "cards, notepad, web,
calculator, overview" to name a few of the features I could make out
on the video!! I hope it is real.
T. J.
At 2:10 AM -0800 1/3/2002, James Simons wrote:
>i was slow off the gun..
>i'm personally not going to get too excited about it..
>sure, it could be real..
>but until Herr "The Anti-Newton" Jobs, announces it at
>MacWorld, and i see it on the shelves.. i'm not gonna
>worry too much about it.. i have my 2100u, and i still
>get what i need done with it..
>even IF it is real, it has much to live up to..
>James Simons
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