Re: [NTLK] iWalk..

From: Michael J. Hußmann (
Date: Thu Jan 03 2002 - 19:20:19 EST

James Simons ( wrote:

> the quip about how the text stays still and the unit
> moves isn't what i see in the "" video..
> at the very end of the clip, you see the palm of the
> hand that is writing bump the unit, and the display
> remains in aspect with the casing of the unit..

Forget about the background in the display -- it doesn't change and could
just as well be painted on, for that matter --, look at the recognized
text. The only time this text moves with the rest of the display is when
the guy lifts his hand, just as you noticed. But the display -- actually
the whole video image -- wobbles up and down all the time, while the text

Also, it strikes me as odd that the Tech-c of the site is one
Holger Ehlis, a graphic artist working for mac life, a German Macintosh
magazine that recently featured QuickTimeVR renditions of a possible TFT
iMac, by that very same Holger Ehlis (
index.php3). Now mac life has a news item covering the rumours
on their web site (, nowhere mentioning their connection
with via Holger Ehlis.

- Michael

Michael J. Hussmann


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