Re: [NTLK] NCU and MacOS X

From: Jim Richter (
Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 01:53:45 EST

> 03/01/02 23:51, Loren Finkelstein at Loren_at_Finkelstein.Net wrote:
>> However, Newton Connection Utilities does run perfectly under OS X as a
>> Classic app.
>> Loren
>>>> Where can I find Newton Connection Utilities to run with MacOS X
>>>> (carbon)
>>> ?
> But only through Ethernet, though...
NCU works great through Ethernet, but it also runs great (albeit slowly)
through serial with the Classic part of OSX. Although Ethernet is
great, I sync most of the time for little things with a Keyspan dual
serial/USB adapter without a problem.

Jim R.

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