Re: [NTLK] iWalk?

From: Sushi (
Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 07:45:32 EST

>>On 2002-01-03 @ 23.18, Sushi wrote:
>>Who needs a memory slot if it has a 1.8 inch 5GB or
>>a 2.5 inch 6/10/20 GB HD? :-)
>On 1/4/02 @ 9:03 PM, doppler wrote:
>id use it for my digital camera. dont you have a coolpix
>950 you also, sushi? id say it would be much more handy
>to insert the card into the device instead of docking
>the camera. eats less batts, too...

I have a very nice Canon IXY 200, thank you. Small (credit card size and
about 3/4 inch thick) and very convenient.

It uses CF cards, so yes, if the iWalk had a CF slot that would be nice.

I was just thinking future possibilities.

For example, if I had a camera with a popout FW plug that I could connect
the two devices, that would provide a fast simple way to transfer files.

You know, most digital video cameras and a few digital cameras come with
FW today. So it didn't seem like that far of a stretch.

Plus it would eliminate one slot to have in the iWalk, making it cheaper
to manufacture, more durable/stronger, smaller and lighter in overall

I wasn't worried about battery life. Yep, you'll take a hit doing it
this way. Over here, most folks are used to recharging their devices
every night.

In a cell phone centric world you get that way. For example, the most
powerful cell phones that they have over here are the FOMA models. They
transfer data at 384kbps. These devices have cameras built in and you
can do video telephony. You can browse the internet and talk at the same
time. On the con side, battery life is somewhere between 40-60 minutes
of use, and the coverage is limited to Tokyo. Some phones have GPS, I am
sure their battery life is short as well since GPS tends to sap battery

BTW, ever look inside the Newt and see how much space is devoted to the
PC Card slot? It's surprising how much space it takes. Of course CF and
MMC slots are much smaller.


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