>Dear Ed
The idea you present was the very basis for me getting involved in
the first place, I feel I negotiated a price where everyone could
participate, I did so without trying to make a dollar out of this
deal, I originally had a choice where I could keep this highly
lucrative info to myself or share it(this sort of info doesn't grow
on tree's BTW) but I always knew the risks involved.
BTW I wouldn't leave it too long as someone with deep enough pockets
could easily buy the lot at a better price, I had a suspicious
eMailer sniffing around for info the other day, and I know for a fact
there are a few on this list with an entrepreneurial bent.
Cees Witsen
>I guess the question would more readily understood if
>we ask not if there's a deadline for this deel, but
>how many does he have and how many confirmed
>(pseudo-confirmed) orders he has? For instance, I
>don't want to buy one until my next paycheck
>(wednesday of next week).
>This may even be an oportunity for an industrius
>fellow newtoneer to purchase a quantity and then
>resell to those who couldn't get in on the original
>deal due to some unfortunate financial matter, at a
>slight profit of course. Like, sell for $180?
>Just an idea mind you!
>web/gadget guru and soon to be second newton owner...
>--- Cees witsen <cees_at_mac.com> wrote:
>> >The deadline is when their all gone!
>> Cheers
>> Cees
>> >Is there a deadline for this deal?
>> >
>> >Am Samstag den, 5. Januar 2002, um 01:35, schrieb
>> Brad Tober:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Is the apostrophe supposed to be in "Long live
>> the Newt"?
>> >>
>> >> On Friday, January 4, 2002, at 07:30 PM, Cees
>> witsen wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> G'Day fellow Newtoneer's
>> >>>
>> >>> All those people wanting those cheap Newton's,
>> It's up to you now, I
>> >>> can do no more.
>> >>>
>> >>> The price is set at US$ 150 plus shipping
>> (sorry I haven't been able
>> >>> to get that info).
>> >>> to participate at the $150 level You MUST use
>> the words "Long live
>> >>> the New't" in your Subject Header. Contact Mr
>> Jerry Brown (Sales
>> >>> manager) at <productresale_at_yahoo.com> outlining
>> your requirements
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> For Overseas buyers they prefer that you wire
>> the money.
>> >>> US buyers can use Credit cards
>> >>>
>> >>> All arrangements such as bulk shipping to share
>> cost needs to be
>> >>> organized by the individuals involved.
>> >>>
>> >>> I Hope you are all successful, I apologize for
>> the convoluted way
>> >>> this deal has transpired but it was the only
>> way it was going to
>> >>> happen.
>> >>> Sorry I wasn't able to address some of the
>> questions posed, but that's
>> >>> life.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Cheers
>> >>> Cees Witsen
>Just because you're a genius, doesn't make you a smart guy!
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