Re: [NTLK] iWalk..

From: BK (
Date: Sat Jan 05 2002 - 08:35:07 EST

A trademark on hands free crutches would not be any impediment for the
same trademark to be used for a PDA. There are 42 categories in which to
file a trademark. Not everybody is filing in all 42 categories.

However, three days prior to product launch one would expect the
respective trademark to have been filed. A big corporation like Apple is
unlikely to leave this up to the last minute.


On Friday, January 4, 2002, at 12:19 , Hans Johnson wrote:

> Another problem is that when I searched the USPTO for the tradmark
> "iWalk", the only record that actually came up was owned by a company
> selling hands free crutches out of Ontario Canada. Now, I don't know
> how far the online database lags behind, but it already contains records
> for the iPod.
> Regards,
> Hans
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