Re: [NTLK] Product Announcement...

From: PaulMmn (
Date: Sat Jan 05 2002 - 11:42:43 EST

>on 05-01-2002 3:03, John Cleary at wrote:
>> I remember reading an email supposedly form the man himself, Jobs, stating
>> that he could see a bright future for the emate, but "didn't understand" the
>> newton... Or something like that...
>Yeah, he said he didn't understand anything without keys, guess he's either
>a fabulous typist or he has the worlds worst handwriting ;-)
>Robert Benschop

I'm both-- a fabulous typist (IMHO), and I am a strong contender for
the World's Worst Handwriting. And, amazing to tell, the Newton
understands my printing (if I take my time) -=AND=- my cursive
writing!!!! I was too cowardly to try the cursive recognizer for
quite a while (knowing my limitations), but when I tried it I was
amazed that it could understand me!! And no graffiti required!

--Paul E Musselman

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