This is on a 2100.
AFAIK, the 2100 has the latest handwriting recognizer. I don't know
if that version was ever available on the 130.
--Paul E Musselman
> >=AND=- my cursive
>>writing!!!! I was too cowardly to try the cursive recognizer for
>>quite a while (knowing my limitations), but when I tried it I was
>>amazed that it could understand me!! And no graffiti required!
>Is this on a 2x00 device and if so is the 2x00 Newton line better at
>this, i.e. cursive handwriting recognition, than its predecessors, e.g.
>the 130? (This is something I'd really like to get an answer to as one of
>my criteria for upgrading to a 2x00 device, so any answers would be very
>much appreciated!!!)
>Chris Searles
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