Re: [NTLK] Cursive Handwriting Recognition

Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 17:49:05 EST

On 1/6/02 3:30 PM, "Chris Searles" <> wrote:

> (I asked this question a couple of days ago, but it was at the end of
> another thread so maybe nobody noticed it.)
> Is there a big difference in the quality of CURSIVE handwriting
> recognition between a 2x00 Newton and a Newton 130, i.e. I know it's
> faster but is it also better and more reliable?
> Thanks,
> Chris Searles (still deliberating whether to upgrade to a 2x00 or not)

Some will say that the 2100 is better than the 130, but I don't notice any
difference in accuracy other than the fact that my 2100 likes to convert my
a's to u's more often. I also, unlike many others, get better results on
both units using the cursive engine for print rather than the print engine.
Mileage may vary.

In my opinion, the speed of the translation is what makes the 2x00
experience better than the 130. Not the accuracy. Even my 2.0 120 works
great for me.



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