> Subject: [NTLK] Cursive Handwriting Recognition
> Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 23:30:18 +0100
> From: Chris Searles <csearles_at_netcologne.de>
> (I asked this question a couple of days ago, but it was at the end of
> another thread so maybe nobody noticed it.)
> Is there a big difference in the quality of CURSIVE handwriting
> recognition between a 2x00 Newton and a Newton 130, i.e. I know it's
> faster but is it also better and more reliable?
In my experience, NOS2.0 and NOS2.1 are *worlds* apart regarding HWR. Not
only is the 2100 ten times faster, it is only much more accurate. If I writ=
in German, I can get up to about 90-95%. Cursive.
But the speed alone is worth the upgrade.
Oliver :)
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